Practice Quiz: Introduction to RED-S
Quiz • 5 min
  1. What is the main driving factor of RED-S in athletes?
  2. What can be a possible consequence of RED-S in athletes?
  3. True or false: Only athletes in weight-class sports or aesthetic sports are affected by RED-S
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  1. What is the main driving factor of RED-S in athletes?
    a) Inadequate caloric intake
    b) Excessive energy expenditure through training and competition
    c) Both A and B

    Answer: Both A and B are correct

  2. What can be a possible consequence of RED-S in athletes?
    a) Increased muscle mass
    b) Improved cognitive function
    c) Amenorrhea

    Answer: Amenorrhea

  3. True or false: Only athletes in weight-class sports or aesthetic sports are affected by RED-S

    Answer: False. Athletes in any type of sport can be affected by this, although it is more common in sports that place a high value on weight, body composition, or appearance.

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