Practice Quiz: What is Energy Availability?
Quiz • 5 min
  1. What is energy availability in the context of RED-S?
  2. True or false: Low energy availability only occurs in athletes who consume low amounts of calories.
  3. What is a factor that can contribute to unintentional low energy availability?
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  1. What is energy availability in the context of RED-S?
    a) The amount of energy available for physical activity after accounting for energy used for metabolic processes and maintaining normal bodily functions
    b) The amount of energy consumed through food and drink
    c) The energy left over for normal metabolic processes in the body after subtracting energy expenditure from energy intake
    d) The ability of the body to efficiently convert food into usable energy for physical activity and other bodily functions

    Answer: c) The energy left over for normal metabolic processes in the body after subtracting energy expenditure from energy intake.

  2. True or false: Low energy availability only occurs in athletes who consume low amounts of calories.

    Answer: False. Low energy availability is not the same as low energy intake, in fact, some athletes may have a high energy intake but still have low energy availability because of high energy expenditure.

  3. What is a factor that can contribute to unintentional low energy availability?
    a) Athlete drive to improve body weight or composition
    b) Large energy requirements during high-intensity training
    c) Financial and time constraints
    d) All of the above

    Answer: d) All of the above

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